Terms and conditions
Property and editorial responsibility
The present site is the property of SARL Com' and Play.
SARL Com' and Play
29 Rue Edgard Quinet
31290 Villefranche de Lauragais
E-mail : contact@histwar.com
Hosting of the site
Hosting of present website is assured by WIX.
Technical responsable
Present website is maintained by Jean-Michel Mathé :
SARL Com' and Play
29 Rue Edgard Quinet
31290 Villefranche de Lauragais
E-mail : jmm@histwar.com
Hypertexte links
The present site can contain hypertext links towards third sites, either partners or not. These sites are not under control of SARL Com' And Play site which declines any responsibility as for the contents of these sites, updates which could be brought to them or of any communication emitted against you by the mentioned sites. The insertion of such links in this site implies on no account some approval of their contents by SARL Com' And Play.
Intellectual property
This site, its general structure, as well as texts, images animated or not, know-how, drawings, graphics (...) and any other element composing this site are SARL Com' And Play’s property. Any total or partial representation of this site whatever process used, without the express authorization of its developer is forbidden and would constitute a counterfeit punished by articles L 335-2 and following ones of the French Code for intellectual property. Brands of this site developer and its partners, as well as logos appearing on the site are registered trademarks (semi-figurative or not). Any total or partial reproduction of these brands or these logos, made from elements of the site without the express authorization of the developer or his beneficiary is thus prohibited, according to article L713-2 of the French Code for intellectual property.